
Blue Water Blue

Denver remembered how his hand shook as he read the letter for the second, third, and forth time.“I am bound for England on the 25th May this year.”Rupert Stillwood-Hamilton had given the departure da ........

Blue Water Blue

She tensed feeling vulnerable and suddenly shy but even as she started to resist, something inside her let go and her muscles relaxed and she fell back. She imagined those intense eyes staring at her ........

Blue Water Blue

The man’s eyes narrowed as he calculated the odds, should he make for the knife or not. Seeing Nahil knocked down spurred Andy into a sprint, not for the knife lying on the grass but straight towards ........

Blue Water Blue

Maybe, I thought, they manacle each new inmate at the start of their sentence to instil some fear into them to make them more compliant and easier to discipline. If so, it was certainly working on me. ........